【等你下課】Acoustic Cover By 許靖韻 Angela

This is a female acoustic cover of this popular Chinese song call 等你下課 

This song cover is by Angela hui許靖韻, she is singing and playing the piano at the same time on this on this popular Chinese song call 等你下課 Waiting For You by Jay Chou. 

Enjoy her nice vocal and piano melody. 

【等你下課】Acoustic Cover By 許靖韻 Angela

【等你下課】Chinese Lyric With English Translation:

你住的 巷子裡 我租了一間公寓
I rented an apartment in your alley
In order to meet you unexpectedly
高中三年 我為什麼 為什麼不好好讀書
Why I did not study well in high school for three years?
(that make me) can't go to the same college with you

我找了份工作 離你宿舍很近
I got a job, it's close to your dorm
當我開始學會做蛋餅 才發現你 不吃早餐
When I started to learn how to make waffles, I realized you didn't eat breakfast
喔 你又擦肩而過
Oh you pass
你耳機聽什麼 能不能告訴我
Can you tell me what did you hear from your headphones?

Lying on your school playground watching the stars
There's a light in the classroom, you still didn't leave
記得 我寫給你的情書
Remember the love letter I wrote to you
What decade is it?
And now I'm still writing it

One day (you) will realize
that someone silently accompanied you by your side
也許 我不該在你的世界
Maybe I should not be in your world
When you receive a love letter
It means I have gone far

學校旁 的廣場 我在這等鐘聲響
The square beside the school, I'm waiting for the bells to ring
Let's wait until you're finished and go together, okay?
彈著琴 唱你愛的歌 暗戀一點都不痛苦 (一點都不痛苦)
Playing the piano and singing your favorite song, a secret love is not painful at all (is not painful at all)
痛苦的是你 根本沒看我
The pain is that you didn't even look at me

我唱這麼走心 卻走不進你心裡(這麼走心 進你心裡)
I sang this song sincerely but still, I can not walk into your heart (it takes how much sincerely to get into your heart )
在人來人往 找尋著你 守護著你 不求結局
People coming and going looking for you (but I will) protect you forever
喔 你又擦肩而過(喔 而過)
Oh, you pass by (pass by)
我唱告白氣球 終於你回了頭
I sing a confession balloon, finally, you turned back 

Lying on your school playground watching the stars
There's a light in the classroom, you still didn't leave
記得 我寫給你的情書
Remember the love letter I wrote to you
What decade is it?
And now I'm still writing it

One day (you) will realize
that someone silently accompanied you by your side
也許 我不該在你的世界
Maybe I should not be in your world
When you receive a love letter
It means I have gone far

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