【怎麼了】Cover By 許靖韻 Angela Hui

This is a Chinese song called 怎麼了 "What's Wrong?" which is sung by this pretty babe named Angela. 

This is an emotional song which is about two couples in a relationship breaking up and one of them questioning what is wrong in the relationship. He/She is feeling very hurt by this breakup.

【怎麼了】Cover By 許靖韻 Angela Hui

【怎麼了】Chinese Lyric With English Translation:

You say that blue is your favorite color
You say so what if there's no love
怎麼 妳怎麼了
What's wrong? What's wrong with you?
I've seen your most dazzling smile before
I've seen your face when you embraced love tightly
怎麼了 妳消失了
What's wrong? You've disappeared

是不是我錯了  搞錯了
Did mess up? Did I I make a mistake?
天灰了  雨下著  凝望著  你走了
The sky has turned grey, rain is falling, I'm staring as you leave
都回不去了  像從前快樂
We can't go back to being happy like we were in the past

How can we say it's over so easily?
How can I let you cry as you embrace me?
In the end, we, who put in too much effort are putting in the effort to wish each other well
怎麼看你笑著  我卻心如刀割
Why does it feel ike my heart is being cut out when I see you smile?

It turns out that we are both equally stubborn
How come neither of us is telling the other to be happy
I can no longer hold your hand and walk every future step with you
我們懷念什麼  失去愛那一刻  才曉得
We only knew what we missed at the moment when we lost love

You say that blue is your favorite color
You say so what if there's no love
怎麼 妳怎麼了
What's wrong? What's wrong with you?
I've seen your most dazzling smile before
I've seen your face when you embraced love tightly
怎麼了 妳消失了
What's wrong? You've disappeared

是不是我錯了  搞錯了
Did I mess up? Did I make a mistake?
越愛著  越痛著  苦笑著  你走了
The more we loved, the more it hurt. Forcing a smile, you've left.
我們約好了  要比我快樂
We've made a promise. You must be happier than I am

How can we say it's over so easily?
How can I let you cry as you embrace me?
In the end, we, who put in too much effort are putting in the effort to wish each other well
祝福我最愛的  遇見更愛你的  飛翔著
I wish that the one I love most will meet and soar with someone who loves you even more.

我不想說 妳不會懂 請別可憐我
I don't want to say that you wouldn't understand. Please don't pity me
受傷的我 其實需要 一個人 的時間 去度過
How many years do I, who have been hurt, need to spend alone
我不想說 妳不會懂 請別可憐我
I don't want to say that you wouldn't understand. Please don't pity me
誰說我 一定要 永遠笑著
Who says I need to smile forever? I don't want to.
I don't want to

How can we say it's over so easily?
How can I let you cry as you embrace me?
In the end, we, who put in too much effort are putting in the effort to wish each other well
怎麼看你笑著  我卻心如刀割
Why does it feel ike my heart is being cut out when I see you smile?

It turns out that we are both equally stubborn
How come neither of us is telling the other to be happy
I can no longer hold your hand and walk every future step with you
我們懷念什麼  失去愛那一刻  才曉得
We only knew what we missed at the moment when we lost love

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