A video clip showing Wingki singing a Chinese song called 【四季】
This is a Chinese song originally sing by A-lin. WingKi is performing this song at D2 Place Spring Market.
Wingki is from Hong Kong and has won a few singing awards too. She is very talented and pretty.
I like her long silky hair and her pretty face. She sings very well too.
【四季】Performance By Wingki
source: Wingki Ho 何穎淇
Chinese Lyrics With English Translation
It’s spring, but I feel desperate.
Summer is coming, I still can't see the sun.
Autumn leaves bury the past
Get ready for winter to forget everything about you
我的爱情 已折断了翅膀
My love has broken wings
无法继续飞翔 在风里飘飘荡荡
Can't continue to fly, fluttering in the wind
等待天亮 好好大哭一场
Waiting for the dawn, crying, crying
再让眼泪风干 在微笑中释放
Let the tears dry again
走过四季 是你给我的力量
Walking through the four seasons is the power you give me.
When I feel lonely and frustrated, I can still be strong.
不管四季 如此无情的交替 我已不寂寞
No matter how the four seasons are so ruthless, I am not lonely.
Because you and I have been so happy
Is it innocent when you leave?
Is there someone who will be with you instead of me?
How bright is the sunshine in the city you live in?
I remembered that I was facing a lonely person alone.
我的爱情 已折断了翅膀
My love has broken wings
无法继续飞翔 在风里飘飘荡荡
Can't continue to fly, fluttering in the wind
等待天亮 好好大哭一场
Waiting for the dawn, crying, crying
再让眼泪风干 在微笑中释放
Let the tears dry again
走过四季 是你给我的力量
Walking through the four seasons is the power you give me.
When I feel lonely and frustrated, I can still be strong.
不管四季 如此无情的交替 我已不寂寞
No matter how the four seasons are so ruthless, I am not lonely.
Because you and I have been so happy
如果没有你 现在我会在哪里
If there is no you, where will I be?
过著怎样的生活 会不会也寂寞
What kind of life will you live, will you be lonely?
走过四季 是你给我的力量
Walking through the four seasons is the power you give me.
When I feel lonely and frustrated, I can still be strong.
不管四季 如此无情的交替 我已不寂寞
No matter how the four seasons are so ruthless, I am not lonely.
祈祷这世界 祝福我们所有一切
Praying the world, blessing us all
Because you and I have been so happy