【漂向北方 Stranger In The North 】黃明志Namewee feat. 王力宏 Leehom Wang. A cover by 文慧如

This is a female version of this song called 【漂向北方 Stranger In The North 】, it is sung by Singaporean singer 文慧如 

This is a Chinese song which is sung by Malaysian Chinese singer Huang Mingzhi and Wang Lihong.

She really raps very well and the whole presentation of the song is very well done. Enjoy! 

【漂向北方】cover by 文慧如 

source: 文慧如Boon Hui Lu
Chinese Lyrics: 

漂向北方 别问我家乡
高耸古老的城墙 挡不住忧伤
我飘向北方 家人是否无恙
肩上沉重的行囊 盛满了惆怅

有人说他在老家欠了一堆钱 需要避避风头
有人失去了自我 手足无措四处漂流

他住在燕郊区 残破的求职公寓
拥挤的大楼里 堆满陌生人都来自外地
他埋头写着履历 怀抱着多少憧憬
往返在九三零号公路 内心盼著奇蹟

忍着泪 (不听也不想 不敢回头望的遗憾)
掩著伤 (扛下了梦想 要毅然决然去流浪)
抬头看 (卸下了自尊 光环 过去多风光)
著斜阳 (就算再不堪 败仗 也不能投降)

亲爱的 (再见了南方 眺望最美丽的家乡)
在远方 (椰子树摇晃 梦境倒映着的幻象)
这城市 (雾霾太猖狂 不散 都看不清前方)

我漂向北方 别问我家乡
高耸古老的城墙 挡不住忧伤
我漂向北方 家人是否无恙
肩上沉重的行囊 盛满了惆怅
也是最后寄望 回不去的远方 Oh

空气太脏 太混浊 他说不喜欢
车太混乱 太匆忙 他还不习惯
人行道一双又一双 斜视冷漠的眼光
他经常将自己灌醉 强迫融入 这大染缸

走着脚步蹒跚 二锅头在摇晃
咀嚼爆肚涮羊 手中盛着一碗热汤
用力地 温暖著 内心里的不安

忍着泪 (不听也不想 不敢回头望的遗憾)
掩著伤 (扛下了梦想 要毅然决然去流浪)
抬头看 (卸下了自尊 光环 过去多风光)
著斜阳 (就算再不堪 败仗 也不能投降)

亲爱的 (再见了南方 眺望最美丽的家乡)
在远方 (椰子树摇晃 梦境倒映着的幻象)
这城市 (雾霾太猖狂 不散 都看不清前方)

我漂向北方 别问我家乡
高耸古老的城墙 挡不住忧伤
我漂向北方 家人是否无恙
肩上沉重的行囊 盛满了惆怅

就像那尘土飘散随着风向 谁又能带领着我一起飞翔
我站在天坛中央闭上眼 祈求一家人都平安

我漂向北方 别问我家乡
高耸古老的城墙 挡不住忧伤
我漂向北方 家人是否无恙
肩上沉重的行囊 盛满了惆怅

(我漂向北方)我站在天子脚下 被踩得喘不过气
(别问我家乡)走在前门大街 跟人潮 总会分歧
(高耸古老的城墙)或许我根本不属于这里 早就该离去
(挡不住忧伤)谁能给我致命的一击 请用力到彻底

(我漂向北方)这里是梦想的中心 但梦想都遥不可及
(家人是否无恙)这里是圆梦的圣地 但却总是扑朔迷离
(肩上沉重的行囊)多少人敌不过残酷的现实 从此销声匿迹
(盛满了惆怅)多少人陷入了昏迷 剩下一具 空壳尸体
(也是最后寄望) Rest In Peace
回不去的远方 Oh
漂向北方 别再问我家乡

English Translation: 

Stranger in the north / Don't ask about my hometown
Even these towering old walls / Can't block the sadness
I'm a stranger in the north / How is my family doing?
Carrying on my shoulders a bag / Full of gloom

Some said he'd gotten into trouble back home / And had to escape
Some say he'd trained for years / And came to show his skills
Some men have lost themselves / Helpless, lost, wandering
Some men work hard to fill their stomach and support their families

Living near the outskirts of Beijing / Desperately searching for a job and apartment
Crowded buildings / Filled with so many foreign faces
He hurriedly wrote a resume / With longing in his heart
Pacing back and forth 930th Avenue / Hoping for a miracle

Hold in the tears (Don't listen and don't think / Don't look back and don't regret)
Hide the pain (Pursuing a dream / Searching with determination)
Raise your head (Let go of your pride / And past achievements)
See the setting sun (Even if it's unbearable / Defeat but never surrender)

Loved ones (Farewell to the south / The most beautiful homeland)
Are far away (The swaying coconut trees / Dreamland reflecting his fantasies)
This city (The lingering haze is too thick / Can't see what's ahead)
Is too bewildering

I'm a stranger in the north / Don't ask about my hometown
Even these towering old walls / Can't block the sadness
I'm a stranger in the north / How is my family doing?
Carrying on my shoulders a bag / Full of gloom
It's my last hope / Can't go back home Oh

The air is filthy / Too turbid / He can't stand it
The traffic is chaotic / Too hasty / He's not used to it
The people on the sidewalk / With cold and cynical eyes
He took refuge in drink / Attempting to fit in to this society

Staggering around / Erguotou liquor swaying in hand
Frustrated souls sometimes drunkenly collapse in that alleyway
Chewing a piece of lamb / Bowl of warm soup in hand
Desperately trying to dispel the angst inside

Hold in the tears (Don't listen and don't think / Don't look back and don't regret)
Hide the pain (Pursuing a dream / Searching with determination)
Raise your head (Let go of your pride / And past achievements)
See the setting sun (Even if it's unbearable / Defeat but never surrender)

Loved ones (Farewell to the south / The most beautiful homeland)
Are far away (The swaying coconut trees / Dreamland reflecting his fantasies)
This city (The lingering haze is too thick / Can't see what's ahead)
Is too bewildering (Farewell to the south / The most beautiful homeland)

I'm a stranger in the north / Don't ask about my hometown
Even these towering old walls / Can't block the sadness
I'm a stranger in the north / How is my family doing?
Carrying on my shoulders a bag / Full of gloom

Just like sand floating in the wind / Who can help me soar
I stand at the Temple of Heaven and pray that all is well at home

I'm a stranger in the north / Don't ask about my hometown
Even these towering old walls / Can't block the sadness
I'm a stranger in the north / How is my family doing?
Carrying on my shoulders a bag / Full of gloom
It's my last hope / Can't go back home Oh

(I'm a stranger in the north) It's like I'm standing at the emperor's feet / Suffocated and can't breathe
(Don't ask about my hometown) Even on the street outside my door / My differences result in arguments
(Even these towering old walls) Maybe I will never belong here / Should have left long ago
(Can't block the sadness) Can someone please just kill me now / And make it clean

(I'm a stranger in the north) This is the land of dreams / But my dream is still out of reach
(How is my family doing?) This is the holy land of dreams / But so disorienting
(Carrying on my shoulders a bag) How many men fall to the harshness of reality / And disappear forever
(Full of gloom) How many men fall into a coma / Leaving only an empty shell behind
(It's my last hope) Rest In Peace
Can't go back home Oh
Stranger in the north / Don't ask about my hometown

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